Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Today is the day. Yeah, I think PMS caused my emotional instability a few days ago. But whatever, I'm fine now. A huge wave of requirements is approaching so I think I better start doing shit now.

Maybe after dinner. Whatever.

Monday, February 27, 2012

I am disgusting.

Taking a break from being pathetic. I'm not in the mood to subject myself to emotional torture tonight. Today was actually an okay day but I don't want to talk about it because it's really boring and uneventful. But it was okay, really. My shoes got wet but whatever.

I can't decide if I should sleep before I study or study before I sleep. Oh well. I'm hungry.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Studying my heart out

But it just gets really lonely 'cause it's three in the morning and I'm still awake which is completely my fault. It's also my fault that I don't give enough effort to get rid of my feelings for you. And I'm just really, really lonely right now and I hate myself for feeling this way and I thought my feelings have waned and maybe they have but it still sucks that I care because I know I shouldn't and all this is pointless and I'm starting to sound disgusting and I still don't know anything about Chem and I just hate my life right now. And I'm probably making a big deal out of this but I'm just scared that my feelings will intensify then I'll ruin everything just like what I always do. And this post has too many and's and I can't concentrate anymore 'cause I started thinking about this again which I shouldn't do and I started feeling again which is even worse.

Saturday, February 25, 2012