Thursday, November 10, 2011

I could use a little fuel myself.

Today, I woke up at 1:10 PM. Well, I actually woke up at around 10:00 with an intense stomach ache which was probably a sign from heaven that I should take a massive shit. I read a few articles on my iPod before falling into deep sleep again. Some of my classmates went to Star City today but I said I won't be able to come because I was supposed to go to the dentist. Instead, my mom totally cancelled because I think she was too lazy to take me there. I became mildly pissed but I guess I didn't really want to socialize. I still feel tired from all the sleeping and lying around I did all day. I do hope I'll be able to sleep before 2 in the morning later.

I went to school yesterday to enroll. It took forever because Ate Kuya at Calderon Hall was so slow and so were the people at the Cashier's Office. Gabe told me that there was this MSS shit at Calderon so I decided to sit quietly at the CAS quadrangle because I didn't have anything to do. Interestingly, I didn't feel bored. It actually felt good just staring at that square patch of land and the plants around it. It was like everything was perfect in those few minutes. I felt calm and content and I realized that I have been feeling very tense for so long. I've been spending too much time thinking and waiting for things that aren't going to happen. Sitting quietly alone in that moment made me see that feeling myself breathe should be enough to make me happy because I'm still had time to live. When I die, I don't want to regret because I wasted my time hoping for things I'm never going to get. I know I couldn't change everything about my life. I couldn't run after everything I've lost. But there is still so much ahead of me and I wouldn't want to lose that too.  Things change and I'll feel different from the way I feel now. Maybe things that matter to me now won't matter in the future and fretting over them is just a waste of time. All that matters is now because it's the only thing I have. My contemplation was ruined when I saw two large rats running around so I stood up and went to Pedro Gil but Ate Guard said that there wasn't any MSS shit there so I just went home.

Second Semester starts tomorrow. I still have to fix my body clock, though.

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